History + Community + Opportunity

We welcome all ages and abilities

Welcome to

Gladesville Ravens Sports Club


Club Football

REP Football

Our Latest


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Football School

The Gladesville Football School (GFS) is a community based ‘football education’ organization that aims to provide the local community with access to high level coaching and learning through various programs. The GFS was created with the aim of filling a gap in the local market, by offering players of all ages the opportunity to train regularly, and locally, with professional coaches in a specialized environment, with a particular focus on the female game; The GFS is open to all players, of all levels, from all clubs and playing background.

Thankyou to the following


Like all community based clubs, we rely on the local community to enable us to provide the best playing environment for all of our members across all sports.

This would not be possible without the wonderful support of local businesses that provide financial support to the Ravens Sporting Club, enabling us to maintain and provide  quality grounds and equipment. At Ravens, we aim to deliver a win-win for local businesses looking to service our members, whilst providing high quality services to our members often on preferential terms.

We encourage Ravens Members to support our Sponsors and Partners.


For 2024, we have the following individuals who will be representing the Gladesville Ravens Board

President: Simon Turner

Vice President: Vince Papallo

Secretary: Rob Martello

Communications: Melissa Branley

Member Protection Officer: Vince Papallo

Please contact us should you have any enquiries: melissab@gladesvilleravens.com.au